Our Vision
- Education that is founded on positive value systems as the foundation for national development and individual progress.
- Education as the most direct path out of poverty – one of the most beneficial investments Africa can make in its people.
- Education as an alternative for vulnerable children and youth in a society in which distorted values have gained ascendance.
- To reclaim Africa’s future by the nurturing of its children and youth with the values of integrity, service, accountability and responsibility.
The Isaac Moghalu Foundation recognizes the human capital potential within the young women and men of the underprivileged rural communities of Nigeria. The mission of IMoF is to enable young men and women in underprivileged communities realize their full potential through education and leadership development that creates empowerment, developes communities and stimulate social change.
Value Statement
- Integrity: Uncompromising integrity, honesty and fairness will be at the heart of IMoF. We will be open, honest and trustworthy in dealing with co-workers, grantees, funders/partners, advisory board members, board of trustees, stakeholders and the communities where we have an impact.
- Accountability: We will be accountable both individually and as a team, for our actions and outcomes.
- Service: Our grantees will be our collaborators and we will treat them with integrity, respect, trust and transparency. We will work together effectively in order to achieve significanct and measurable results.
- Stewardship: We will be responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to us. We will operate in compliance with the rules and regulations put in place to guide the distribution of resources.