Our Programme
The Isaac Moghalu Scholars Programme
The programme provides full scholarships for vulnerable girls and boys from poor families in rural communities for six years of secondary education and 4-6 years of university education.
Skills Development Programme
A vocational skills training programme will be undertaken in partnership with appropriate organizations. The programme will provide, broker or finance vocational training for vulnerable youth, preparing them to obtain employment or become self-employed in service and productive sectors of the economy. Vocational skills to be covered under the programme will include tailoring, textile weaving, hair dressing, electricity-technician, plumbing, automobile repair work and masonry.
The Isaac Moghalu Memorial Library
The planned construction, equipment and establishment of the Isaac Moghalu Memorial Library in a rural or urban community will provide professional library resources (including information technology) and services aimed at serving an area of 10 local government areas.
IMoF Leadership Lectures/Seminars
Interactive annual leadership lectures and quarterly seminars.
IMoF Educational Institution Support Programme
IMoF provides in-kind support to schools and universities in Nigeria to enhance their capability to offer quality education. The foundation donates books, computers, laboratory equipment, infrastructure and other support to selected educational institutions where such support will make the most impact.
IMoF Book Club
IMoF will establish a book club pilot project in rural communities to promote a reading culture and literacy in general.